Slashdot: Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella Says 'New Norms' Needed as 'Real Structural Changes' Rock Workplaces
Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella Says 'New Norms' Needed as 'Real Structural Changes' Rock Workplaces Published on November 01, 2021 at 10:22AM For the first interview of its new series on "The New World of Work," Harvard Business Review asked Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella what team collaboration will look like in workplaces of the future. And Nadella begins by arguing that this tail-end of the pandemic brings "real structural changes" — and two megatrends for the future workplace: One is the trend around hybrid work, which is a result of the changed expectations of everyone around the flexibility that they want to exercise in when, where, and how they work. And then the second mega trend is what Ryan Roslansky, who is the CEO of LinkedIn, termed, which I like, which is the great reshuffle. Not only are people talking about when, where, and how they work, but also why they work. They really want to recontract, in some sense, the real meaning of work...